Mount Congreve Gardens is now a Royal Horticultural Society partner

Over the garden fence June 27th 2024

Mount Congreve Gardens in Waterford is now officially a partner garden in the Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland.
The RHSI selects partner gardens on the basis of offering inspiration to keen gardeners through high standards of design or planting. Many are well known, some less so, resulting in a stimulating mix of styles that visitors should find interesting throughout the gardening year.

Commenting on the addition of Mount Congreve to the RHSI partner garden list, a Society spokesperson said: “The RHSI is both delighted and privileged to now be part of this new drive launched in 2023 following major redevelopment, helping to bring Mount Congreve very deservedly back to the wider attention of plant enthusiasts and garden lovers throughout the country. “Sixteen kilometres of pathways and trails lead you around all the mystery and magic of these 70 acres of gardens with plants from all over the world with something to see all year round. Huge banks of sequentially flowering varieties allow for several months of surprises around every corner of this woodland.

“Mount Congreve must be a forever jewel in Ireland’s cache of great gardens but only we the public can keep it that way by supporting it. So do tour the gardens this summer, enjoy the excellent shop and café, and tell all your friends to come too.” CEO at Mount Congreve Gardens Sara Dolan said, “We are delighted to now be a partner garden for members of the Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland. “It is very fitting for Mount Congreve Gardens given its position as a global garden and the heritage of Ambrose Congreve and the RHS. We are so thankful to our dedicated garden team who continue to nurture, care for and develop these beautiful gardens year-round. It is also a wonderful opportunity to share more about Mount Congreve Gardens with a wider audience. For further details on the RHSI and Mount Congreve Gardens addition see